
Hahax~ignore the title...
Now I using my house de laoya computer
cannot write chinese de
like shit !!!!!!!!!!!! suck computer!!!!!!!!!!!
aiya~watever lah~~
last week , i go kawad
i bcom black jor~~
aiya~over ady...dun wan mention
yesterday my dad go take report card
i wait at my class
see-ing everyone say bye bye
and me still there
so kesian
then i pull Phooi Yin go find my dad
Ha~my dad at my bro class
so slow~~
then my dad go to my class first lor~~
my class teacher so good~~
she say I polite and good
she say to my dad : " encik u sangat bertuah , got such a lovely daughter"
Haha~~so happy~~
Teacher , I LUV U~~
then my dad go my bro class
that teacher say him so many "sui ye" (bad thing)
Haha~~I'm in heaven , my bro in hell~~XD


dunno when i heard Alex and Wei Yong Shen "pakto"
last time I heard WYS ask Alex dun luv him ady
then my bro saw they linking fingers~~
OMG~~ I din saw GAY before
so "chigek"


Just now say I take report card
forget to say
Tiew very geng
take result aso wan whole family come
i thought they wan take family photo...XD
lately so many guys kena marah oleh Tiew de laobu
so kesian
end with a sexy Hyuna = =

Peggy n Siong yi's punya B'day

Go IOI celebrate someone's B'day (Peggy will whack me~~)
I fetch Tae Yi aso
my dad just leave us at the petrol station
and we so kesian walk to there >.<
the person who "attend" is : me , peggy , phooi yin ,wei yi , hui qing , chi ying , xin yee , chieh juei , siong yi , stranger 1 and stranger 2
go minitone first
buy a present 4 Peggy and the guys go buy 4 Siong Yi
saw so many cute cute de ~~got pig rabbit(^3^),domo and etc.
then buy1 elephant holding a BANANA SKIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saw that elephant then think of Peggy...XD

Deng deng deng deng~~yup its this~~so damn cute^^
then go shopping ~~
Peggy came ady then go Mr.Tempayaki there eat

from left : Siong Yi , stranger 1 ,stranger 2
yup~we dun noe him so we call him stranger
such a weird smile >< so malat

capture Chi Ying^^ with a weird pose???
or they are fighting bcuz of the menu???

the sifu is cooking our meal~~

not pig lah~~chicken~~

My dessert <3
so sweet ^^ like it^^

my lunch~~the tauge is more than rice???

my delicious dessert and not so good taste meal together...

that stranger weird smile again...

all together ka-cha~~
Phooi Yin sexy back...XDDDDDD

they dun even noe i take their pic~~pro XDDD
after meal go for a walk~~
me , chi ying , xin yee and phooi yin walk another way
and then so funny
we saw 4 "Ogawa"
then we decide to sit at there cuz we're tired
when phooi yin and chi ying really put the money inside and relax
me and xin yee RAN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we keep hiding them
playing hide and seek in IOI ...XDDDD
finally we go to cinema and saw them
gonna kill my son Chieh Juei cuz he didn't tell us which cinema we should go
we run here run there so tired
see Transformer in 3D~~
so nice~~i fall in luv with Bumble Bee
he is so damn cute^^
and aso Optimus Prime
he is so yeng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as a leader
before leave Peggy and I took a pic with 3D glasses

i noe its dark but its better than bright cuz make me look so damn FAT!!!!!!!!!!!
at last we go inside Jusco to "da game"
I keep playing the candy machine and win so many candy~~
Then we go back home~~

epop , yg , nail remover , nail polish , rubberband , ribben hairpin
I buy the nail polish cuz its made by KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gud night^^ 

busyyyyyyyyy week

First , congrats to Peggy , XinYee , Xing Yi
for their victory to get in semi-final in the singing competition
that day the competition held
Tiew pull Ronald Gan to the bilik wawasan to see Xin Yee
he keep saying that he dun luv her
but his emotion says YES!!!!!!!!
woman's sense very good wan~~
then then~~
PI time~~
last time I said that i didn't manage to do a PI
but now!!!!!!!!!! I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy-ing~~dun ask me why cuz i aso mong cha cha
dunno what happened...XD
yesterday really so damn funny...XD
i saw Wei Yong Shen...
he got a little problem
he chase Alex and said :"Alex ! Alex ! Wait for me~~ Alex ! U dun luv me ady arh???"
so GAY !!!!!!!!
then I went for kawad
so letih...Haiz~~
next Monday and Tuesday aso wan kawad...Haiz~~
Today go to school
run run run~~~
so fast finish ady~~
then go buy a new pair of spectacles
my kesian spectacles rosak ady...i mean patah...XD
Last , BEAST ...Haiz~~
finish ady lar >3<
and guess what ??? ermm..really so hard to say
so sad...
my another hubby Junhyung date with Goo Hara...
such a waste...><
he deserve a beter one...
Goo Hara is nice but I think she doesn't suit Junhyung style...
Haiz~Its OK~~
they oredy date...this is not a Fiction , its a Fact
Thanks To her , every B2uty heartsick...Bad Girl~~
Junhyung follow JongHyun go "pak to"
now I only have my Seobie~~
I have to find a backup ady~~
my Seobie dun fast fast "pak to"
or not Beast habis jor~~
Junnie ~~ hope u happy with Hara